Sunday 16 October 2011

Up Yours?

Recently, I had been passing by this carpark to where the other car was parked and I thought this was something 'creative' done by the contractors who painted the multi-storey carpark and are responsible for drawing up the signage etc.

So as curious a your neighbourhood cat, I walked on every level of the carpark to see if this was really done on purpose; a creative idea. However, as I walked a few decks up, I realized this may not be the work of the contractors in-charge somehow. It must be a case of another 'artistic' person who probably didn't get a chance to express himself on the designated walls thus he took this very place as the perfect venue for him to express his creativity.

Yes, he succeeded in getting his work done but I am very sure, his creativity may not be well accepted by us Singaporeans. I thought it was an interesting caption and wanted this to share with all of you.

P/s: I bet someone's gonna come into my blog and snatch all these pictures and start stomping them. I disclaim myself from this act. Haha.




Wednesday 12 October 2011

Just for Sharing : For the Ladies!

This is taken from Facebook from a guy name Tu Nor. 

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Pernah nasihat atau tegur kawan-kawan anda yang tidak menutup aurat? Jom kita tengok apakah alasan yang selalu digunakan wanita yang enggan menutup aurat apabila ditegur kesalahan mereka itu. Dan apa jawapan yang mungkin sesuai untuk mereka.??~~~>

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1. Semua yang tutup aurat, confirm masuk syurga ke?

-Yang pasti, kalau tak tutup aurat, confirm masuk NERAKA..Nauzubillah

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2. Tudung labuh pun macam baik sangat. Buat dosa jugak. Mengumpat orang.

-Bila Iblis tak mahu ikut perintah Allah untuk bersujud kepada Adam, dia menyalahkan perintah Allah itu. "Apahal pulak aku kena sujud, aku lebih baik dan mulia". Samalah seperti tudung. Tudung pula yang disalahkan, " pakai tudung tak mestinya baik..bla...bla...bla..."

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3. Macamlah kau bagus sangat nak tegur aku. Kau dulu lagi jahat nak mampos.

-Tidak tersabit larangan dari Nabi untuk seseorang yang bahkan baru masuk Islam untuk pergi berdakwah kepada kaumnya. Maksudnya, dakwah itu tuntutan. Selagi kau Islam, dakwah tu wajib walaupun kau sendiri tak berapa betul. Sekurang-kurang dia insaf dan bertaubat sekarang.

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4. Walau kami pakai seksi tapi hati kami baik.

-Adakah kau mendakwa diri kau mempunyai hati yang suci, iman yang tinggi dan kononnya ia sudah cukup menjamin maruah diri kau tanpa perlu menutup aurat?

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5. Pakai jarang ke ketat ke, itu hak kami. Kalau tak suka jangan tengok.

-Adakah kau berani menjamin bahawa semua lelaki ajnabi mempunyai hati suci dan iman yang tinggi untuk menahan godaan syaitan serta nafsu yang membuak-buak?

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6. Kami rasa apa yang kami pakai tak seksi. Terpulang kepada individu yang memandang kami.

-Seksi atau tidak, kau tetap berdosa walaupun hanya menayang sehelai rambut kau.

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7. Walau kami tak bertudung, kami tetap solat dan puasa.

-Apakah ibadat kau diterima? Kau yakin cuma dengan berpuasa sudah cukup untuk menjamin kau masuk syurga?

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8. Suka hati kamilah nak pakai macam ni. Kami tak susahkan hidup orang lain.

-Kau sebenarnya dah susahkan bapa, abang, adik, suami serta orang lain dengan menarik mereka ke neraka bersama kau disebabkan mereka tidak menegur dan gagal mendidik kau.

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9. Apa yang kami pakai, ini antara kami dengan ALLAH.

-Berani cakap di dunia, berani ke kau cakap macam tu depan Allah nanti? Lawan perintah Allah, Neraka tempatnya.

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10. Kami pakai seksi macam ni, sebab ikut arahan photographer/pengarah filem untuk disesuaikan dalam scene. (ayat artis)

-Sanggup patuh arahan mereka daripada patuh suruhan Allah?

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11. Bukan kami tak mahu menutup aurat, cuma masih belum sampai seru.

-Mati tidak mengenal usia. Tak takut ke mati dalam usia muda? Tak sempat nak bertaubat nanti.

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12. Takkan nak buat perubahan secara drastik? Slow-slow la..

-Boleh ke cakap kat Malaikat Izrail nanti, tunggu kejap! Lepak la dulu. Jangan ambil lagi nyawa aku.

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13. Tutup aurat tu bagus tapi kami tidak mahu hipokrit kerana tidak ikhlas melakukannya.

-Kalau begitu kau sebenarnya memang hipokrit kerana tidak ikhlas beragama Islam.“Wahai wanita, setiap ciptaan tuhan yang berharga di dunia ini akan terlindung dan amat sukar untuk diperolehi. Di mana kamu boleh dapatkan permata? Tertanam jauh di perut bumi, tertudung dan dilindungi. Dimana kamu jumpa Mutiara? Terbenam jauh di dalam lautan, tertudung dan dilindungi oleh kulit kerang yang cantik. Di mana kamu cari emas? Terperosok di lapisan bumi tertudung dengan lapisan demi lapisan tanah dan batu. Tubuh kamu adalah suci malah lebih berharga daripada emas mahupun permata. Oleh itu kamu juga perlu bertudung dan melindungi diri kamu.”

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~~>copy from sahabat FB..InsyaAllah,moga ianya bermanfaat buat kita semua..amin ya Rabb..

Saturday 8 October 2011

What should I share?

Humans need to learn how to keep a fine line between personal and public issues. 

When we fail to differentiate, we may draw various opinions and reactions what more on issues that not concern the person's self but also involving others as well. These opinions and reactions may be right but it may also be wrong because us being humans, we tend to be judgmental of others, worse still, for someone we have clearly totally no idea about unless its proven black and white that they are such an ass.

Why make it worse? It does not help a situation whereas it only make matters worse.

Some tell almost every single thing about their personal life online. Why? Seeking attention or sympathy?

Personally, maybe some would agree, its clearly hazardous to be telling everything about our personal lives online. Social spaces were formed to share ideas, network and interesting stuff not to draw unnecessary attention.

Be wary of what we share on the various social networks. As much as we love this 'little' space to express ourselves, it is not the best place to resolve issues. Most of the time it worsens, jeopardize us and the last thing we want are someone we know to take his or her own life because of failing to draw a line between personal and public issues.

Be careful of what we wish for...

Sunday 2 October 2011

Syawal, you came and brought joy even for a while...

This has been my long awaited post to sum up Syawal.
Finally found some time to share this and many thanks to those who have contributed for this very post.

I have received several photos of Syawal celebration and I am so excited to share with the readers. Lovely, wacko and whatever word that describes it, so happy to be receiving them!

Maybe this post, less words, more pictures? Let these awesome pictures express our Syawal celebration here in Singapore. Bear in mind, it is not only for those are well but for everyone who find joy in celebrating it.

So, it's my pleasure to share with you.

Not only the joy in faces of people but also what we all feel is very essential in Syawal itself will be... GOOD FOOD! I have to thank Farihah (@blurtedkisses)  for the delicious looking photos!

When I received this email, I admitted it was a very large file but was worth downloading it. Creative contribution indeed.

After all the good food and the celebration, boys will be boys. They will never want to miss catching soccer on tv!

And of course, Syawal brings us closer as a family. It doesn't matter if we all come from various different walks of lives full of different colors, what is important is we come together in this eventful month. One family which I know does better than anyone else is Irma's!
 Syawal's Aidilfitri celebration did not only bring families closer, friends as well as cousins. Happy faces everywhere. Let us bring joy and happiness! Smile! Snap!
And if those weren't enough, feeling unwell did not stop someone from celebrating. Sajhira's poor sister got admitted on the eve of Syawal but that did not deprive her of the "standard" dishes to commemorate Syawal. 
FYI, if you wonder what's inside those tupperwares, they consisted of rendang, sambal tumis telur, sambal  goreng, lontong and kari ayam. No wonder she's the (@foodgoddess_). Yummy!!!

I hope everyone managed to celebrate Syawal one way or another, in a joyous manner. Now we will have to wait for another year to welcome this month again. May all you be blessed with great health, wealth and happiness with your loved ones.

Remember, we live life once; so live life with great joy and happiness!

Thanks again to those who have took some time to contribute to this post.